1985 - 2010 presentations - lectures - workshops - training - opleiding - formations
1985 Relaxatie technieken. Geneeskundige dagen van Antwerpen
1998 Self-Hypnosis : Modulating the Stress-Response with Hypnosis. Spring Congress VHYP
1999 Mentale training en prestatie verbetering in sport en in het leven. Soroptimist Leuven
1999 L'Hypnose dans la gestion du stress. Société Belge d'Hypnose de la langue française.
1999 May I have the next dance please ? integrating hypnosis in marital therapy. Europees Congres Hypnose. Noordwijkerhout. Nederland
2000 Mental Training and Excellence Academy. Hypnosis and Metaphors in Dance Performance Enhancement. Örebro. Zweden
2001 Influencing the stress-response with hypnosis. Workshop and Lecture. International Society of Hypnosis Congress Mûnich (Germany)
2001 Bulgarian Society of Hypnosis. (Self) Hypnosis in stress related disorders.
2002 Verlegenheid en Sociale Fobie. Similes. Antwerpen.
2002 Hypnosis in stress related disorders. European congres Hypnosis. Rome (Italy)
2002. Hypnose bij chronische stress en burnout. Congres Evolutie in psychiatrie. Psychiatrie in ontwikkeling. Universiteit Antwerpen
2002. Hypnosis in the prevention and treatment of burnout. Deutsche Gesellschaft fûr Zahnârtzliche Hypnose. Gozo (Malta)
2003 ESH congress GOZO. EMDR and Hypnosis in Behavioural Medicine
2004 ESH Board meeting (Rome- Italy) Hypnosis in the treatment of Burnout
2005 ESH Östereich. Gesellshaft für Hypnose und Autogenes Training. Sheffau. Hypnosis in the treatment of Burnout
2006 ISH Mexico Acapulco : Hypnosis in the prevention of burnout. (Panel) Hypnosis in the treatment of burnout(workshop).
2006 May Istanbul : Turkish Hypnosis Society. Hypnosis in stress-related disorders
2006 October BSMDH - British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis. (Scotland). Hypnosis as a creative solution to stress.
2006 Juni- September Lok groep psychiaters : EMDR in psychotherapie.
2007 Februari + Juni. Nvvh - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hypnose. (Zelf)Hypnose in de behandeling van burnout
2007 CFHTB - L'(auto)hypnose dans la prévention du burnout chez les professionels de santé.
27 April 2007 . Workshop : Zelfhypnose in de behandeling van burnout. VHYP. http://www.vhyp.be/page8/page8.html
2007 May 3-6th Israel (Acco) - Congress Israeli Society of Hypnosis. Workshop. (Self)Hypnosis in the treatment of burnout.
2007 Mai 17-19 5e Forum Confédération
Francophone d'hypnose et de thérapies brèves. Table Ronde : samedi 19 Mai.
L'autohypnose dans la prévention et le traitement du burn-out chez les
professionnels de la santé. http://www.cfhtb.org/CFHTBPreProgramme.pdf
2007- 2 Juni -(zelf)hypnose bij de behandeling
van burnout. Nvvh. Amsterdam. http://www.nvvh.com/page.php
2007 - October 26-28th Turkey. Istanbul.
Hypnosis Congress. Workshop. Hypnosis in prevention of burnout and compassion
fatigue for health care professionals. http://www.bilinclihipnoz.com/duyuru-hipnoz-kongresi.html
22 November 2007. Workshop B-opleiding
artsen-tandartsen. Hypnose als creatieve hulp bij stress. http://www.vhyp.be
23-24 November 2007. BIPE. Hypnose methoden
als stabilisatie bij traumabehandeling. http://www.bipe.be
2008 - January 13-20 - Costa Rica Life
Coaching. Stress management with Lars-Eric and Elena Unestahl.
2008 - 29 Februari. Workshop B-opleiding Hypnose Psychotherapeuten. Integratie van Hypnose
in Psychotherapie.
2008-30-31 Mei. Hypnose methoden bij posttraumatische stress. Opleiding Psychotraumatologie. BIPE. http://www.bipe.be
2008 - 26 Juin. Stress Harcèlement moral et Burnout au travail. Colloque organisé par l'OGBL et la Ligue Luxembourgeoise
d'Hygiène Mentale. CEFOS Remich (Luxembourg) http://www.cefos.lu http://www.ogbl.lu
2008 - August 25-31. Tianjin (China) World Congress on Excellence in Sports and Life. Chair Hypnosis. Introductory Course
in Hypnosis + Intermediate training in Hypnosis with International Faculty
2008 - September 17-21 ESH Congress Vienna. Lecture and Workshop. Hypnosis to prevent - treat compassion
fatigue and burnout. http://www.vienna.hypnos.de/
2008- 11-12 Oktober. Hypnose methoden bij posttraumatische stress. (deel 2 ) Opleiding Psychotraumatologie. BIPE.
2008 - 30 October - 2 November. Hypnosis Congress Istanbul – Turkey
2009 -19 Maart - LOK vergadering. Sociale Intelligentie. Empathie. Spiegelneuronen. Deel 2
2009 -28 April - Lezing Hypnose bij pijn behandeling. Vesalius Ziekenhuis. Tongeren
2009 - June 5-7th Imperial College London. Hypnosis : A Creative Way to Increase Engagement and Resilience. Click here for the program.
2009 - 12 Juni. VHYP. Booster sessie. Hypnose bij posttraumatische stress stoornissen. Stabilisatie, confrontatie, integratie.
2009 - September 22-27th. Congress ISH International Society of Hypnosis. Rome. Lecture. From Empathy to compassion Fatigue. How can
Health Care Practitioners keep their positive engagement and develop Resilience?
Workshop. Seeing the Whole Picture and Improving therapeutic Efficiency in working with traumatised clients. Where can hypnosis be helpful?
2009 -10 oktober. Workshop B-opleiding psychotherapeuten. Hypnose bij functionele klachten en psychosomatiek. Nvvh. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hypnose
2009- 16 oktober. Workshop VHYP. Integratie van hypnose in psychotherapie.
2009 - 13-14 Novembre. Pratique en thérapie comportementale Formation en Psychotraumatologie. BIPE. http://www.bipe.be
2009 - 11-12 Décembre. Pratique en thérapie comportementale Formation en Psychotraumatologie. BIPE. http://www.bipe.be
2010 - 22-23 Janvier. Approches Hypnothérapeutiques. Formation en Psychotraumatologie. BIPE. http://www.bipe.be
2010 - 26-27 Février. Approches Hypnothérapeutiques. Formation en Psychotraumatologie. BIPE. http://www.bipe.be
2010. 28 Mei. Symposium Operatie verpleegkundigen. Floréal. Blankenberge. Hypnose in het OK.
2010 - June 24-25. International Congress of Contemporary Evidence Based Use of Hypnosis. Lecture. Mind-Bocy Therapy.
Workshop. Hypnosis as an efficient method to treat PTSD.
2010 - 16 - 18 septembre. Dépressions? Le monde change. Nos stratégies aussi. Saint-Malo. France. Les pétales de la satisfaction
dans la vie et au travail. Atelier. Les états de stress post-traumatiques. Conférence. www.congres-depression.com
2010 -21-24 oktober. Mentales Stärken. Heidelberg. Deutschland. Sporthypnose. Selbsthypnose. Mentales Training. Coaching. "Flourish or the petals
of satisfaction in life and work. " www.mentalestaerken.de
2010 - 5-6 Novembre. Rennes. Atelier. Prévenir et guérir du burnout et développer les 'pétales de satisfaction'. Institut Emergences Rennes. France.
2010 - 27-28 November. Hypnosis : A creative way to deal with stress. Istanbul. Turkey.
1998 Self-Hypnosis : Modulating the Stress-Response with Hypnosis. Spring Congress VHYP
1999 Mentale training en prestatie verbetering in sport en in het leven. Soroptimist Leuven
1999 L'Hypnose dans la gestion du stress. Société Belge d'Hypnose de la langue française.
1999 May I have the next dance please ? integrating hypnosis in marital therapy. Europees Congres Hypnose. Noordwijkerhout. Nederland
2000 Mental Training and Excellence Academy. Hypnosis and Metaphors in Dance Performance Enhancement. Örebro. Zweden
2001 Influencing the stress-response with hypnosis. Workshop and Lecture. International Society of Hypnosis Congress Mûnich (Germany)
2001 Bulgarian Society of Hypnosis. (Self) Hypnosis in stress related disorders.
2002 Verlegenheid en Sociale Fobie. Similes. Antwerpen.
2002 Hypnosis in stress related disorders. European congres Hypnosis. Rome (Italy)
2002. Hypnose bij chronische stress en burnout. Congres Evolutie in psychiatrie. Psychiatrie in ontwikkeling. Universiteit Antwerpen
2002. Hypnosis in the prevention and treatment of burnout. Deutsche Gesellschaft fûr Zahnârtzliche Hypnose. Gozo (Malta)
2003 ESH congress GOZO. EMDR and Hypnosis in Behavioural Medicine
2004 ESH Board meeting (Rome- Italy) Hypnosis in the treatment of Burnout
2005 ESH Östereich. Gesellshaft für Hypnose und Autogenes Training. Sheffau. Hypnosis in the treatment of Burnout
2006 ISH Mexico Acapulco : Hypnosis in the prevention of burnout. (Panel) Hypnosis in the treatment of burnout(workshop).
2006 May Istanbul : Turkish Hypnosis Society. Hypnosis in stress-related disorders
2006 October BSMDH - British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis. (Scotland). Hypnosis as a creative solution to stress.
2006 Juni- September Lok groep psychiaters : EMDR in psychotherapie.
2007 Februari + Juni. Nvvh - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hypnose. (Zelf)Hypnose in de behandeling van burnout
2007 CFHTB - L'(auto)hypnose dans la prévention du burnout chez les professionels de santé.
27 April 2007 . Workshop : Zelfhypnose in de behandeling van burnout. VHYP. http://www.vhyp.be/page8/page8.html
2007 May 3-6th Israel (Acco) - Congress Israeli Society of Hypnosis. Workshop. (Self)Hypnosis in the treatment of burnout.
2007 Mai 17-19 5e Forum Confédération
Francophone d'hypnose et de thérapies brèves. Table Ronde : samedi 19 Mai.
L'autohypnose dans la prévention et le traitement du burn-out chez les
professionnels de la santé. http://www.cfhtb.org/CFHTBPreProgramme.pdf
2007- 2 Juni -(zelf)hypnose bij de behandeling
van burnout. Nvvh. Amsterdam. http://www.nvvh.com/page.php
2007 - October 26-28th Turkey. Istanbul.
Hypnosis Congress. Workshop. Hypnosis in prevention of burnout and compassion
fatigue for health care professionals. http://www.bilinclihipnoz.com/duyuru-hipnoz-kongresi.html
22 November 2007. Workshop B-opleiding
artsen-tandartsen. Hypnose als creatieve hulp bij stress. http://www.vhyp.be
23-24 November 2007. BIPE. Hypnose methoden
als stabilisatie bij traumabehandeling. http://www.bipe.be
2008 - January 13-20 - Costa Rica Life
Coaching. Stress management with Lars-Eric and Elena Unestahl.
2008 - 29 Februari. Workshop B-opleiding Hypnose Psychotherapeuten. Integratie van Hypnose
in Psychotherapie.
2008-30-31 Mei. Hypnose methoden bij posttraumatische stress. Opleiding Psychotraumatologie. BIPE. http://www.bipe.be
2008 - 26 Juin. Stress Harcèlement moral et Burnout au travail. Colloque organisé par l'OGBL et la Ligue Luxembourgeoise
d'Hygiène Mentale. CEFOS Remich (Luxembourg) http://www.cefos.lu http://www.ogbl.lu
2008 - August 25-31. Tianjin (China) World Congress on Excellence in Sports and Life. Chair Hypnosis. Introductory Course
in Hypnosis + Intermediate training in Hypnosis with International Faculty
2008 - September 17-21 ESH Congress Vienna. Lecture and Workshop. Hypnosis to prevent - treat compassion
fatigue and burnout. http://www.vienna.hypnos.de/
2008- 11-12 Oktober. Hypnose methoden bij posttraumatische stress. (deel 2 ) Opleiding Psychotraumatologie. BIPE.
2008 - 30 October - 2 November. Hypnosis Congress Istanbul – Turkey
2009 -19 Maart - LOK vergadering. Sociale Intelligentie. Empathie. Spiegelneuronen. Deel 2
2009 -28 April - Lezing Hypnose bij pijn behandeling. Vesalius Ziekenhuis. Tongeren
2009 - June 5-7th Imperial College London. Hypnosis : A Creative Way to Increase Engagement and Resilience. Click here for the program.
2009 - 12 Juni. VHYP. Booster sessie. Hypnose bij posttraumatische stress stoornissen. Stabilisatie, confrontatie, integratie.
2009 - September 22-27th. Congress ISH International Society of Hypnosis. Rome. Lecture. From Empathy to compassion Fatigue. How can
Health Care Practitioners keep their positive engagement and develop Resilience?
Workshop. Seeing the Whole Picture and Improving therapeutic Efficiency in working with traumatised clients. Where can hypnosis be helpful?
2009 -10 oktober. Workshop B-opleiding psychotherapeuten. Hypnose bij functionele klachten en psychosomatiek. Nvvh. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hypnose
2009- 16 oktober. Workshop VHYP. Integratie van hypnose in psychotherapie.
2009 - 13-14 Novembre. Pratique en thérapie comportementale Formation en Psychotraumatologie. BIPE. http://www.bipe.be
2009 - 11-12 Décembre. Pratique en thérapie comportementale Formation en Psychotraumatologie. BIPE. http://www.bipe.be
2010 - 22-23 Janvier. Approches Hypnothérapeutiques. Formation en Psychotraumatologie. BIPE. http://www.bipe.be
2010 - 26-27 Février. Approches Hypnothérapeutiques. Formation en Psychotraumatologie. BIPE. http://www.bipe.be
2010. 28 Mei. Symposium Operatie verpleegkundigen. Floréal. Blankenberge. Hypnose in het OK.
2010 - June 24-25. International Congress of Contemporary Evidence Based Use of Hypnosis. Lecture. Mind-Bocy Therapy.
Workshop. Hypnosis as an efficient method to treat PTSD.
2010 - 16 - 18 septembre. Dépressions? Le monde change. Nos stratégies aussi. Saint-Malo. France. Les pétales de la satisfaction
dans la vie et au travail. Atelier. Les états de stress post-traumatiques. Conférence. www.congres-depression.com
2010 -21-24 oktober. Mentales Stärken. Heidelberg. Deutschland. Sporthypnose. Selbsthypnose. Mentales Training. Coaching. "Flourish or the petals
of satisfaction in life and work. " www.mentalestaerken.de
2010 - 5-6 Novembre. Rennes. Atelier. Prévenir et guérir du burnout et développer les 'pétales de satisfaction'. Institut Emergences Rennes. France.
2010 - 27-28 November. Hypnosis : A creative way to deal with stress. Istanbul. Turkey.